Oncowin cancer center


Treatment with care for better recovery and healthy life

Oncowin has an outstanding team of cancer specialists, medical and paramedical staff who work 24*7 to provide suitable cancer treatment to the patients. There are three treatment modalities for cancer management that are accepted worldwide i.e. 


Chemotherapy is an integral part of cancer management, stopping the spread and division of malignant cells to different parts of body. It mainly depends on the type of cancer, stage of cancer, patient’s age, and sex. The Chemotherapy that is given for managing cancer is either a curative intent or a palliative/supportive intent. It is given as intravenous (IV) drip (with DNS, NS, D5), intravenous injection, intramuscular, subcutaneous, or oral therapy.
Curative intent of Chemotherapy can be given as 
1. Neo-adjuvant therapy (either before Surgery or before Radiation therapy)
2. Adjuvant therapy (after Surgery or after Radiation therapy)
3. Concurrent therapy (with Radiation therapy)
Palliative intent Chemotherapy is given for advanced/metastatic/stage 4 cancer where the main aim is to reduce the patient’s suffering and improve quality of life.


Immunotherapy is one of the most advanced type of cancer treatment, which is
-costly (compared to others)
-give less side effects and
-provides long term result in stage 4 cancer patients. However, it could not be given to every patient, it depends on disease, stage, patient’s fitness upon which cancer specialists weather one can undergo this treatment or not.
Routinely there is less chances of suffering with cancer as the normal cells itself has immunity which helps in fighting against the cancerous cells.
But when the immunity weakens the cancerous cells invade inside the body.
Immunotherapy works on the sight of cancerous cells and unmask them where immunity again starts fighting against the cancerous cells and helps in safeguarding the body.

Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy is a new type of systemic therapy that is used in cancer treatment. It generally works on specific targets and is given as oral/IV administration. They selectively kill the tumor cells, so the side effects are not generalized. It has less toxicity profile compared to conventional Chemotherapy. 
This type of therapy must be taken under the supervision of a Medical Oncologist. So adequate monitoring is needed.

Blood disease management

It includes malignant blood diseases like leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myeloproliferative disorders, myelodysplasia, etc. The management includes oral and Injectable Chemotherapy. In contrast, non-malignant conditions include a broad spectrum diseases like anaemia, thrombocytopenia, ITP (immune thrombocytopenia), pancytopenia, aplastic anemia, hemoglobinopathies (thalassemia, sickle cell disease etc), bleeding disorders like haemophilia, von-willebrand disease.

Bone marrow Intrathecal chemotherapy

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Pediatric Hemato-oncology

Various cancers occurring in pediatric patients include acute leukemia, lymphoma, brain, and spinal cord tumors, Neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, bone cancer, etc. There are also non-malignant conditions like anemia, ITP, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, bleeding disorders etc
Treating children needs extra care and counselling, keeping in mind their future physical and mental growth. 
Pediatric cancer treatment requires a skillful team that can manage the advanced stage cases efficiently.