Oncowin Cancer Center

Scientific Academic Event

Cancer has been one of the most life-threatening diseases. Though medical services have developed a lot still cancer is being considered as a disease that means death. Oncowin Cancer Center has realized that the reason behind this is the complexity of the disease. As most people including patients are unable to understand the disease and are terrified, it reduces their self-esteem which also affects their recovery.

Dr Gaurang Modi with radio jockey JJ on Sabarmati Radio to spread message on Immunotherapy

Invited as panelist in International Speaker Program held in Mumbai- Role of PHESGO in Her2 positive patients

Role of Immunotherapy in the Management of

Lung Cancer

Head & Neck Cancer Meet 2

Cancer awareness on Radio Sabarmati By Dr. Gaurang Modi

Cancer awareness on Radio Sabarmati By Dr. Palak Bhatt on Word Cancer Day

Lung Cancer Meet 1

6th Annual International Breast Cancer Conference & Precision Oncology 2022

Oncowin Head and Neck Cancer

Horizon Conference Management organized a webinar “Oncowin Head and Neck Cancer” under the aegis of “Cancer Research And Statistic Foundation”.

Supported By: Cancer Research And Statistic Foundation

Oncowin Lung Cancer

Horizon Conference Management organized a webinar “Oncowin Lung Cancer” under the aegis of “Cancer Research And Statistic Foundation”.

Supported By: Cancer Research And Statistic Foundation Oncowin Cancer Center

Breast Cancer
Update 1

Horizon Conference Management organized a webinar “Oncowin Breast Cancer Update: 1” under the aegis of “Cancer Research And Statistic Foundation” & with the support of “Oncowin Cancer Center“.

Supported By: Cancer Research And Statistic Foundation